Emergency Preparedness
Active Shooter

If you are involved in a situation where someone has entered the area and started shooting, the following are a list of recommended actions:
  1. Exit the building immediately.
  2. Notify anyone you may encounter to exit the building immediately.
  3. Notify the Police by calling 911.
  4. Give the 911 Operator the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)
    3. Number of shooters (if known)
    4. Identification of shooter (if known)
    5. Number of persons who may be involved
    6. Your location
If you are directly involved and exiting the building is not possible, the following actions are recommended:
  1. Go to the nearest room or office.
  2. Close the door, lock if possible.
  3. Cover the door windows.
  4. Keep quiet and act as if no one is in the room.
  5. DO NOT answer the door.
  6. Notify the Police Department at 911.
  7. Give the 911 Operator the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Your location (be as specific as possible)
    3. Number of shooters (if known)
    4. Identification of shooter (if known)
    5. Number of persons who may be involved
  8. Wait for the Police to assist you out of the building.
Campus Emergency Number 4444
Please remember to check the Emergency Guide hanging in every Office and classroom for further instructions on other types of Emergency Situations.

Your safety is of the utmost importance to everyone at Quinsigamond Community College. As Chief of Campus Police, I am writing you today to provide you with information on how to protect yourself in a situation that we hope to never encounter, but that is all too real in today’s society. This is a matter of personal safety that you could choose should you ever be caught in an “active shooter” situation, whether it is on campus or in your everyday life off campus. The link below will bring you to a 6 minute video called “Run. Hide. Fight.”. The video provides a look into the “active shooter” situation and the options you may have should you ever be in harm’s way. This video was produced by the City of Houston, TX under a Department of Homeland Security grant.

Please note. YouTube has added advertising so you may have to click through it get to the video. 

In addition to the video link, watch the bulletin boards around campus, the Open Door, and your E-mail for times and places this video will be shown by the Campus Police to all members of the College community.

The link is currently being added to the Q and is located on the Campus Police Website at: http://www.qcc.edu/campus-police/active-threat



Stephen DiGiovanni

Chief of Police

670 West Boylston Street

Worcester, MA 01606

My Direct Line: 508-854-2885

Campus Police Office: 508-854-4221

Fax Line: 508-854-4571

WEBSITE: http://www.qcc.edu/campus-police

ON FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/QCCCampusPolice


"See Something - Say Something"