When should I submit an Intent to Graduate form to the Registrar’s Office?

Students should submit an Intent to Graduate form once they have registered for the final courses to complete their degree or certificate requirements.  Once your application has been received and your file is reviewed, you will be contacted via email by the Registrar’s Office regarding your graduation status.  Be sure to check your student email account often. The deadline to file an Intent to Graduate form to be included in the May Commencement Ceremony is Friday April 25th.


I have not completed all of my requirements to graduate in May, can I still participate in the Commencement Ceremony?

Students who have no more than two courses remaining to complete their degree or certificate and plan to register for those remaining requirements during the summer session may participate in the May Commencement Ceremony.  Students will need to submit an Intent to Graduate form for August graduation once they have registered for their summer courses.  Students who are registered in no more than two classes over the summer session will be allowed to participate in the May Commencement Ceremony and will officially graduate in August. The deadline to file an Intent to Graduate form to participate in May Commencement is Friday April 25th.


What GPA do I need to graduate with honors?

Highest Honors requires a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher, High Honors requires a GPA of 3.3 to 3.59 and Honors requires 3.0 to 3.29.  Please note that honor cords will not be distributed to qualifying individuals for the commencement ceremony, however the honors designation will be reflected in the commencement program and on your academic transcript. Honors indicated in the commencement program are based on cumulative quality point average prior to spring semester grades.


When will I receive my diploma?

Diplomas will be mailed to the graduate's home address on file usually 4-6 weeks after the end of the semester.


My diploma or certificate has become lost or damaged.  How can I request a replacement?

Replacement diplomas and certificates can be requested by submitting a Replacement Degree or Certificate form to the Registrar’s Office along with a $25 replacement fee.