Schedule an appointment with a member of Career Services using Handshake. Once logged into Handshake please click on Career Center tab, top right hand side of page to access schedule.

Career Services has a wide variety of resources to assist with identifying career opportunities, finding up-to-date information on the latest job market trends, acquiring work experience, and developing job search skills for a successful transition from school to work.

Contact Us:
Phone:      508-854-4439

On Campus Recruiting

Career Services (CS) at Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) provides employers an opportunity to promote job opportunities to our students. 

If interested in recruiting at QCC please e-mail our office.

Cooperative Education

CPS 298 - Pre-Cooperative Education Seminar

The Pre Cooperative Education Seminar is a required preparatory course designed to provide students with the necessary structure, resources, and support to successfully secure and engage in their cooperative education experience. Students will learn about the attitudes, skills and behaviors expected by employers.

Cooperative Education provides:

  1. Meaningful Experience
    Cooperative Education at QCC will give you the chance to work in your field - in time to make meaningful adjustments to your academic and career plans. Because you work full- or part-time in a job directly related to your major, you gain professional experience that makes you more competitive in the job market. In fact, many co-op jobs turn into full time jobs after graduation.
  2. Academic Credit
    Cooperative Education at QCC is an academic program. You can earn 3-6 academic credits for co-op toward your QCC degree. Co-op students are required to work 15-20 hours per week in a job related to their academic program. If you are already working in your field, your job may be appropriate for co-op.   

Disney College Program

Disney College Program

The Walt Disney World College program is a unique opportunity to learn, work, and live for a semester at Walt Disney World in Florida and join students from all over the world.  This paid internship is open to students in all majors and provides an opportunity to build your resume, be trained, mentored and network with top Disney leaders while learning skills that can be applied to any career. 


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General Job Search

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An integrated job search and career building platform, the VA for Vets Career Center takes the guesswork out of entering the civilian workforce.

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National and State Job Search

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Profiles featured which cover hundreds of occupations and describe What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. Each profile also includes BLS employment projections.
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To learn more about Credit for Prior Learning, click here.

Launch your next step in your career. Looking for a job, co-op/internship, or volunteer opportunity? 

Register on:


Resume & Cover Letter Resources


***For those enrolled in CPS 298 you should access all workshops through blackboard and complete the assessment for each area, as this is how we will track your progress and you will receive credit.


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Interviewing Resources

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One FREE Professional outfit for interview


General Job Search

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General Information

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