Shortly after the start of every semester, you will be notified via your student email of your assigned Advisor. If you do not know who your advisor is, you can find that information by logging into The Q, your student portal or via the QCC APP. After logging into The Q, select My Academics and view your advisor in the My Academic Information area. To view the email address of your advisor, hover over the email link (the advisor's email address will appear). Click on the image below to see instructions on where to locate your Advisor's contact information.
If your advisor is listed as Advising Center Advisor, ESL Advisor or Health Careers Advisor, this means that you can chat with any Advisor on staff in the Advising Center. Or, if your assigned Faculty Advisor is unavailable during Spring Break or Summer terms, we're happy to assist. Simply contact us by email or phone at or 508-854-4308.
Some Advisors may ask you to schedule an appointment via Navigate 360.
QCC is using Navigate360 beginning Fall 2024. Navigate360 is a mobile app that allows students to view your class schedule, be notified of information from QCC, schedule meetings with various departments on campus, and complete To Do's.
See more instructions about Navigate 360 HERE.