Faculty Guide to Accommodations

The new Faculty Guide to Accommodations for 2024-25 has been released.

FY 25 Faculty Guide Final. 8.24.pdf

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Student Accessibility Services.  We look forward to working together in order to build a more inclusive, equitable, and accessible campus.


AIM (Accommodation Management): AIM Instructor Portal Link

Instructor Portal and Accommodation Letter Updates.pdf


Related Faculty Resource Links:

Glean Faculty Guide

Online Class Recordings

Class Recordings Decision Tree, ADA & FERPA

Recording & Transcription Agreement



Test Accommodation for QCC Students with Disabilities

Accessible Testing Services

By partnering with you, we ensure students experience access in their coursework through accommodations or other outcomes.  When accommodations are needed so that students with disabilities have equal access to demonstrate their knowledge, faculty must complete an Exam Checklist and submit the exam to the office 2 business days before the exam.  This can be delivered in person, or electronically clicking here: Exam Checklist

Faculty have the option:

  • Complete the checklist once and Student Accessibility Services will use this same checklist throughout the semester if the testing conditions and parameters for the student do not change
  • Complete a new checklist for each test,  one per student or multiple students

Student Accessibility Services will email you a Test Request with the student's test reservation form. Please confirm the test date and time, and notify SAS if there are updates to the test administration. 

Helpful Links

Blackboard Tests-Best Practice Tips

Using Test Exceptions to Modify Testing Options for Individual Students


Please contact us if you have any questions.  Thank you.


Invisible Disabilities - Good To Know

Most disabilities are invisible: learning disabilities, medical conditions, psychological impairments, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Many times you may not know whether you are working with a student with a disability unless they disclose their disability to you.



Students will typically disclose their disability in one of two ways:

  • You receive  from the student an accommodation  letter prepared by our office; or
  • The student will inform you directly that s/he has a disability. 

Students are not required to tell you what their disability is and they are not required to show you any documentation of their disability.  What they need to provide you is an accommodation form from our office detailing the student’s accommodations.



The University of Washington’s Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT) center has also put together a great list of faculty resources for working with students with disabilities including:

  • Resources from DO-IT  - Web-based publications to be printed and video presentations from DO-IT that are useful to postsecondary educators
  • Specific Disability Resources - resources related to teaching students with specific disabilities.
  • Specific Academic Activity Resources - resources for helping instructors accommodate students with disabilities in specific academic activities.
  • Knowledge Base - search the Knowledge Base for question and answers, case studies, and promising practices regarding the education and employment of students with disabilities.

In reference to Universal Design and creating access for all, California State University's Universal Design Center has created a valuable website with guides on making instructional materials accessible, web accessibility, creating math content for the web and more.  To access this resource click here.